Notes on

Press 'E' at the red handle to pick up the trampoline and then press 'E' again to drop it where it is.  

Press '7' to reset the level, and you will have to press Alt+F4 to close the game (sorry).

The new saving and loading download shows off the new saving and loading system made in my Game Design 3 class.  It has the same controls as the originally uploaded trampoline level.  The new version now saves trampoline positions on quit, and resets them on level complete (entering a new level).  The door also now saves if it was opened on level quit.  

I have learned of a new node called "Clear" in this build that clears all items from an array.  Previously, I was using a for each loop to empty my arrays that I realized did not work.  If an item in the array was deleted before the for each loop completed, it would mess it up entirely and not empty the array.  The "Clear" node does this properly all in a single node :)

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94 days ago

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